clearing momentos... freeing your space and your energy to BE in the present

I am lightening my load. Clearing the clutter. Inviting old energies to leave my space, my heart and my life (along with all the "stuff"). 

For me it is quite the challenge, as I know it is for many of you out there... Since I have always had a tendency to save little mementos for everything ( I adore touchstones), at this point, I am clearing out some of my treasure troves- to lighten me up from the collections of times gone by and to free my space, my energy, and my being for what comes next. It feels so GOOD! So Freeing. It's a work in progress.

And it's a process! Some things are easy to let go: simply sweet reminders of a more innocent time: momentos of school activities, crushes, awards, early jobs and friendships and trips that are meaningful and helped to form me (but simply ran their course). No harm done. These are easy for me to pause, reflect on, to honor and to feel once more and then to bless as I discard the physical item, dedicating the memory to my heart. Done.  Load lightened with a smile.

But then there are the darker piles too. These are the "buggers" who I suspect I have allowed to deter me from clearing out most of my piles in the first place. Just to avoid the feelings they may hold from coming back up for me once more. Although these are harder, I am happy to report that I am stronger now and I am determined to master these this time around.

Do you have darker piles around you too? You know how when you suffer a sudden loss, or leave something behind (like a relationship, job, or friendship) you tend to have an item or two, or a box (or many boxes) of items (papers, pictures, photos, etc.) that link you back to the thing you have left behind? Or that has left you behind? Items that harken to the thing that may have ended on a more difficult note: jobs lost, romances where a heart was broken, and mementos of those we have lost to divorce or even to death.

I have a Crazy Question: Why do we keep this stuff? Is it just me? Is it to prove that it mattered? That the relationship or job really happened? Or is it to remember the "me " who experienced (sometimes survived would be a better word) that particular time in my life? 

I have no answer really for the "why" I have held on to such items. Perhaps we hold on to items from these moments in our lives because they may have been too difficult to deal with at the time. if you are like me these physical reminders have remained (stuffed into the garage, or on a shelf, in a bag or a drawer, etc.), bringing the darker feelings to mind each time I run across them. They remind me again and again of that time of hardship or loss as I decide to pass that box, pile, bag- over and over without dealing with it. Again...Without discarding it. Again... Just allowing it to take up space in my world. Draining energy from me.  

I say enough already! I am tackling even the "bugger" piles now!  It's time for me to release with love, respect and gratitude. I finally have given myself permission to let go. I can;t wait to feel and to BE lighter!

Are you ready to lighten up too??

Here are some tips for processing and releasing the leftover "stuff" - that you associate with those long past parts of your journey:

1) Before you begin to handle the items: Set your full heartfelt intention to release the "stuff" and the energy that is linked with it. Journal your intention get rady to set yourself free!.

2) Sit with the awareness of the energy drain that has been on you for as long as these items have been in your space. This is real. Honor the toll it takes on you. Journal what comes to the surface. Decide to give this stuff the boot!. 

3) If you are ready to toss without looking- DO IT! WITH A SMILE. If you need to go through items one last time, take your time. Journal the feelings that arise when you hold the items. No need to look too closely- just let the feelings come. FEEL what you need to. Whatever comes up. Allow journaling to assist you as you process, reframe and to release. Let this be the LAST time you have to go there. Negatives may come up first. Write it out. See what perspective and POSITIVES come as you write further. Focus on Growth and Release. YOU DESERVE TO BE FREE.

When journaling, I noticed a few really empowering things:

  • Everything I have come across in life, even the hardest stuff,  was there FOR ME- to experience and to grow from- even the "buggers". Today I focus on my Strength and my Growth!
  • I have the power to frame the times of my life in my mind with Gratitude.
  • I decide what emotions and energies I assign to each part of my path. I assign positive or negative meanings. 
  • I can release any and all hurts today. I decide to suffer or to HEAL and move on.
  • I have the power to forgive anyone at any time (myself included) - which ultimately frees me.

I love the practice of journaling through this process and the letting go of clearing the physical "stuff"... I get to create Gratitude to the Universe for bringing me through, Pride and Self Confidence in the person I am becoming through my learning, Perspective and Wisdom about my own path, and Closure for my past which is now released with love.

Whoo hoo, I am lighter by the day!!!  I have more to do, but I celebrate my progress as I go. The energy IS more free around and inside me. With each set of things I release I am inspired to hold onto much less in my day to day life and to process, feel and journal as I go- releasing what no longer serves me sooner.

I hope that if you are in a "clearing" frame of mind- this served you. Here's to moving forward on our paths with positive energy,  Love and Light! 

Laura Lynn







Laura Lynn Bantaspace, clearing