How to be an empty nester with grace
Life is really funny- and parenting is even funnier.
No one tells us the road that raising kids will take us on. Maybe if we knew- we would turn back before we begin (joking!!??).
At first, I thought the “baby years” were the challenging ones… but I have since learned that the teen and young adult years are even more harrowing- and also more rewarding.
It is a lot- seeing kids through to adulthood. It is not for the faint of heart.
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clearing momentos... freeing your space and your energy to BE in the present
I am lightening my load. Clearing the clutter. Inviting old energies to leave my space, my heart and my life (along with all the "stuff").
For me it is quite the challenge, as I know it is for many of you out there... Since I have always had a tendency to save little mementos for everything ( I adore touchstones
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transitions, decisions, and the seeker in me...
I've been in the middle of (yet another) life transition.... This time around, a job change was afoot. As always, with any big change, there was drama. There was chaos. There was that old familiar swirl... of fear- and of that feeling of life-taking-me-over...and me-just-hanging-on-for-dear-life.
The job change was unexpected.
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play and creativity... honoring their role on our insides
“The Creation of Something New is not accomplished by the intellect, but by the play instinct acting from INNER NECESSITY.” – Carl Jung
I LOVE this quote. It puts so many things in play in my mind and heart.
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