How to be an empty nester with grace

Life is really funny- and parenting is even funnier.

No one tells us the road that raising kids will take us on. Maybe if we knew- we would turn back before we begin (joking!!??).

At first, I thought the “baby years” were the challenging ones… but I have since learned that the teen and young adult years are even more harrowing- and also more rewarding.

It is a lot- seeing kids through to adulthood. It is not for the faint of heart.

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Laura Lynn BantaComment
transitions, decisions, and the seeker in me...

I've been in the middle of (yet another) life transition.... This time around, a job change was afoot.  As always, with any big change, there was drama. There was chaos. There was that old familiar swirl... of fear- and of that feeling of life-taking-me-over...and me-just-hanging-on-for-dear-life.

The job change was unexpected.

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Laura Lynn Banta